About Us

Female are the pillars of the family, state, country and the universe. but they are facing to many problem. Among them, one of the most important problem is Vaginal infection

Femi Fair cures and prevents symptoms like leucorrhoea, itching, irritation, burning sensation and unpleasant odour experienced by women in their feminine private area.

Femi Fair contains unique combination of natural herbs to protect the natural ph balance of vulvo vaginal flora enhances natural defense mechanism.

Daily use of Femi fair V wash gives freshness and comfort especially during menstruation, before and after sexual intimacy, during pregnancy and postpartum.

Femi Fair V wash Promotes reproductive health with disease free reproductive system It can be used as body wash for both men and women in case of generalized body itching

Femi Fair V wash is specially formulated for gentle cleansing and shooting intimate wash for all vaginal and urinary infections. The main aim of Rajam Arogya is to promote the feminine Wellness products